

Extra added ingredients for a healthy and well balanced nutrition, for the love of our dogs and cats.


optimization health vitality




Amazing grapefruit seed extract detoxifies the body and supports the immune system. It is rich in vitamin C and E, and is a multi-purpose, antimicrobial substance.  It has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, antifungal and antioxidant properties.
Limes are a rich source of limonoids, that are vital disease-fighting compounds which present in sufficient concventration are effective in helping to inhibit certain cancers - for example ovarian cancer and oral-cavity tumours.


gluten free



Some animals have a gluten intolerance, called celiac disease. This disease is a premanent intolerance to one or the protein fractions in gluten that is found in the certain cereals. It causes an atrophy of the intestinal villi in the small intestine, which leads to a destruction of the intestinal wall. Due to this, certain nutrients (calcium, iron…) are improperly absorbed, which causes serious deficiencies. The only treatment available today is a strict lifelong gluten free diet. There is not medical treatment available. The sign of an intolerance to gluten in adults are, a chronic fatigue causes by vitamin deficiencies, intestinal problems, joint problems, aswell as neurological, dermatological and stomach problems.



strenghthen immune system




The action of FOS (fructo-oligosacharides) facilitate the development of probiotics, which have an anti-infective intestinal, immunostimulants, hypocholesterol effect and prevent colorectal cancer. The extract of chicory roots supports the intestinal flora, It also containes insulin, which is used to help store energy. Healthy digestion always means very strong immune system. Prebiotics stimulate the growth and activity of bacteria in the digestive system, which is beneficial to health.



herbal digestive complex



Sun-cured thyme works as  prevention to flatulance and diarrhea. It has antiseptic and antiparasitic function,  supports blood circulation and activity of organismus. Works as prevention for urinal inflammation. Sun-cured oregano  increases production of gall (stomach work), cleans air-ways (support breathing),  relaxes muscles and brain and has anti-rhyme function. Sun cured Parsley is  rich on vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E a A, works as diuretikum - prevention of urinal problems,  prevents of flatulance and support for digestion. It has antiparasic function and supports of kidneys. Sun-cured marjoram supports digestion and prevention to flatulence,  decreases convulsions and supports nervous system. It has antiparasitic function, prevents of joints pain. Provencal tea supports correct digestion process. It has antiinflamatory, antibacterial function and  prevents against cancer.

natural source of antioxidants




Antioxidants protects cells from free radicals, which fragments the DNA and distorts the functionality of proteins inside the cells. Sources are in vitamins C, E. tangerine, oranges, grapefruit seeds extract, lime , grape extract. Herbs, vegetable like green peas. The negative effect of free radicals causes irreversible damage on the cells. This results in premature aging. The antioxidant is used to slow down these effects.

strong joints enhanced mobility




Healthy joints are important for every body and dog body extremely. Every day running and jumping couses big demand on healthy joints. Added Glucosamin and Chondroitin Sulphate prevents of a arthrosis and joint deceases, it is strongly anti-inflammatory and helps cartilage growth and stop loosing it.

support blood heart function




Anchovy oil and sardine oil is strong in in omega 3 and omega 6 acid content. It increases and support brain and heart function.  It is very healthy for nerves and vascular system. Sun-cured thyme supports blood circulation and activity of organismus. Sun-cured oregano relaxs muscles, brain and hearth. Citrusses help cleaing blood and its recovery.

anci bacterial




Antibacterial complex destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or their ability to reproduce. It reduces the risk for symptoms of viral infectious diseases in otherwise healthy dogs. Complex consists of  sun-cured parsley, provensal tea, grapefruit seeds extract, grape seeds extract, tangerine pulp.

healthy coat and skin




Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acid in the metabolism of fats and amino acids. Chicken liver and yeast are two foods, which high biotin content. Citrusses with high amount of vitamins C, E,  keep skin soft and flexible.

support brain activity




DHA for a better brain fuction. The fatty acids are essential for life, since they are not produced by the animal organism. They are the fundamental component of nerve cells in the brain and retina of the eye.  Tangerine, lime and oranges support of heart and brain function.




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